lunes, 27 de julio de 2009


Toda la naturaleza es un anhelo de servicio.
Sirve la nube, sirve el viento, sirve el surco.

Donde haya un árbol que plantar, plántalo tú;
donde haya un error que enmendar, enmiéndalo tú;
donde haya un esfuerzo que todos esquivan, acéptalo tú.

Sé el que apartó la piedra del camino,
el odio entre los corazones
y las dificultades del problema.

Hay alegría de ser sano y de ser justo;
pero hay, sobre todo, la hermosa alegría de servir.

¡Qué triste sería el mundo si todo en él estuviera hecho,
si no hubiera un rosal que plantar,
una empresa que emprender!.

Pero no caigas en el error de que sólo se hace mérito
con los grandes trabajos;
hay pequeños servicios que son buenos servicios:
adornar una mesa, ordenar unos libros, peinar a una niña.

Aquél es el que critica; éste es el que destruye.
Tú se el que sirve.

EI servir no es tarea sólo de seres inferiores.
Dios, que da el fruto y la luz, sirve.
Pudiera llamársele así: EL QUE SIRVE.

Y tiene unos ojos fijos en nuestras manos
y nos pregunta cada día:
¿Serviste hoy? ¿A quien?
¡Al árbol, a tu amigo, a tu madre?

Gabriela Mistral

martes, 14 de julio de 2009


¡Reparte a manos llenas!
Una palabra oportuna, una sonrisa, una actitud animadora, un pensamiento generoso, y tu corazón sentirá esta gran verdad:
¡Es mejor dar que recibir! ¿Nunca lo sentiste?, ¡Experiméntalo!
Ayuda a alguien sin esperar nada a cambio, y verás cómo llegará a tus puertas, con las manos llenas de alegría, la más grande felicidad que puedas experimentar en la vida...
¡La felicidad de dar!Uno puede ofrecerle sus ideas a otro como balas o como semillas.Puede dispararlas, o sembrarlas; pegarle en la cabeza a la gente con ellas, o plantarlas en sus corazones.Las ideas usadas como balas matarán la inspiración y neutralizarán la motivación.
Usadas como semillas, echarán raíces, crecerán y se volverán realidad en las vidas de quienes fueron plantadas.El único riesgo de usarlas como semillas es que una vez que crecen y se convierten en parte de aquellos en quienes fueron plantadas, es probable que nunca te reconozcan el mérito de haberlas ideado.
Pero quién está dispuesto a darlo todo, recogerá una rica cosecha.

interview coop. de todas

well for jobs reason i couldnt make the first blog entry.
so i interview one person that day she have been there more than a year, and she felt so excited there she said that coop. change her life before this she didnt do nothing just stay at home and take care of her children, so now she have a business of food and she is growing up she feels more secure and her family supports her. she get into the coop by a friend who told her about the project so she decide to get in and till now she have see changes in her as a person and as productive human been. she hpe that her business expand in the market and gives jobs to other people.


What are your personal reflections about this video? Has it challenged you to think about your activities and how you spend your free time? Are you primarily a consumer or do you produce and share as much or more than you consume? Does it help you appreciate the social action you are doing for this class?

Well i have to say that i dont like to spend my free time wachting tv for me is boring, why? because there arent good enought programs to see except for some channels that makes us think of what is happening in the world. So i rather doing others stuff, i prefer read a book, helping my mon or my brothers and some other activites that catch my attention.

i could say that i share and sometimes produce but i should do it the second one first, about my social service is been a wonderful experience i have done another type of service before i used to go every thursday to PANPA (pan para mi hermano) here we get a reunion and we were directed to the places where the people of street were and bring it food and also make christmas party for them, and is so great the way you felt about caring and helping someone it makes you grow up and have a differents perspectives of life. So it means that you are really helping others and helping yourself by doing things that is rewarding

lunes, 6 de julio de 2009


On saturday 4th of july was the next train in the cooperativa, this time we teach them english class as a first lesson we teaching them "greetings and presentations", we also gave them copies of the material that we bring.

The only thing that was not good was the lack of affluence of the socias, there were a few but anyway we start our class and they were very excited, they learn the pronunciation, and the writing, although in some instant were kind of difficult for them the pronunciation but at the end they made a good job so they were happy to learn another language and we will continue teaching them english for they knowledge.

miércoles, 17 de junio de 2009

Social Labor: Cooperativa De Todas

We went to the Cooperativa the saturday 14th, me and some other girls made a capacitation about "Customer Service" this was my first day in the cooperativa, i felt very excited for been there and help them to strengthen the concepts that they already had but we made a good work and everybody was happy.

In this workshop we made some dynamic games that involves them and learn about how to treat a client and also make a great connection with us, we explain them all about service and clients so that they could understand a little bit more about their business and have better treatment with their internal and external customer, the socias were really excited it with this job they really enjoy it and learn a lot, then we prepare some snacks for them and the capacitation was over.

For me was something good to be able to train these people and share some time with them getting to know each other and at the end i felt satisfaction for what we had done.

jueves, 4 de junio de 2009


So why have I asked you to watch videos about diet in order to begin to explore this topic?

In order to be conscious about our food, the way that we are malnutrition our bodies, even if we know this things cause is not something new this have becoming years ago, but people dont do nothing cause they like to be continue this way to earn much money.

What relationships can you find between the videos and the reading?

That we have to look beyond our instintcs and material desires and explore into our minds and souls, change the way that we are eating, the way that we are doing things, cause we have to protect the animals, not kill them, we have to protect the earth not contaminated it, but some people dont understand and we can't evolve.

What do these relationships imply about our role as individuals in our society?

Means that we are the change we are the future for the society and if we dont do something right now we will lose it, and maybe when people realize it will be too late for that, so we have to make a change first in ourselves be more conscious in our acts, and find the way that we can all be benefits .